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Idei de afaceri - sfaturi si propuneri / Propuneri externe / program de finantare Moderat de artzyy
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Postari: 370
Intelligent Energy � Europe Programme 2003 - 2006 (EIE)

The IEE programme is structured in four fields:
1. "SAVE", which concerns the improvement of energy efficiency and the rational use of energy;
2. "ALTENER", which concerns the promotion of new and renewable energy sources for centralisedand decentralised production of electricity and heat and their integration into the local environment and energy systems (with the exception of actions under STEER), including the preparation of legislative measures and their application;
3. "STEER", which concerns support for initiatives relating to all energy aspects of transport, the diversification of fuels such as through new developing and renewable energy sources and the promotion of renewable fuels and energy efficiency in transport, including the preparation of legislative measures and their application;
4. "COOPENER", which concerns support for initiatives relating to the promotion of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in the developing countries, in particular in the framework of the Community cooperation with developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific.

Priorities for the call for proposals 2005:
Activities in these fields should be guided by two main principles:
•? Integration of ins truments, tools and actors
?• Integration of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources

The priorities for the IEE programme 2003-2006 are spelled out in 17 Key Actions, of which 12 are of vertical character (for actions focussing mainly on one of the four fields) and 5 are of horizontal character (for actions relevant for several of the fields).

For a detailed description please see the full text of the call for proposal.

Type of actions
This call for proposal invites for submission of proposals under three types of actions.
? • Type 1: General Actions (GA)
? • Type 2: Su pport for the establishment of new local and regional energy management agencies
? • Type 3: Specific Support for Events (SSE)

The majority of grants awarded will be of type 1 "General Actions". It is expected that this call for proposals will result in about 100 grants for type 1 actions, about 25 new energy management agencies and about 25 grants for type 3 actions.

For more information about the different Key Actions, their target areas and the types of action, please see the full text of the call for proposals.

All applicants must be private or public legal persons, established in the territory of the Member States. Likewise, the programme shall be open to the participation of the candidate countries on the basis of the relevant bilateral agreements and of the EFTA/EEA countries on the basis of additional funds and in accordance with procedures to be agreed with these countries. Natural persons are not eligible.

The maximum duration of an action is 36 months.

Estimated total amount of available budget 2005 for this call is of 51.4 million euro.

Accordingly, the amount granted will be up to 50% of the total eligible costs of the operation for actions under type 1 and type 2. For actions under type 3 the amount granted will be up to a maximum of EUR 40,000 which may not be more than 50% of the total eligible costs of the action.

Contributions in kind are not eligible costs.

For actions of type 1 and type 2 (except COOPENER):
Closing date for submission of applications: 31 January 2006

For COOPENER actions:
Closing date for submission of applications: 28 February 2006

For actions of type 3 (Specific Support for Events):
Closing date for submission of applications: 30 November 2005 28 April 2006

For details referring to the opening of applications, completion of evaluation, notification and signature of contracts, please see the full text of the call for proposal.

Registered letter/parcel by postal service European Commission Intelligent Energy Executive Agency (IEEA) B 7 0/20 Mail service/archives B-1049 Brussels Belgium

Deadline for submission to the post office no later than the closing date for submission .

Applicants should consult the website of the programme at:

The IEE website contains all information and forms in relation to this call for proposals, such as the IEE work programme 2003-2006, the IEE annual work programme 2005, a detailed description of the Key Actions, the guide for proposers and the applications forms:

Any questions regarding this call for proposals should be sent by email (stating, if applicable, the reference number of the area, as indicated in "Priorities for the call for proposals 2005" to: TREN-Intelligentenergy @

Alternatively a fax or letter can be sent to European Commission Intelligent Energy Executive Agency (IEEA) IEE Programme
Ref: Call for proposals IEEA 2005
B7 1/003
B-1049 Brussels
Fax +32-2-2921892

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pus acum 18 ani
Site owner

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 370
Finantare pentru imbunatatirea transportului international cargo

Apel pentru propuneri de finantare 2005 - actiuni de schimbare a modalitatii de transport, catalizatoare si de invatare curente in cadrul Programului Marco Polo.
Data lansarii 24 decembrie 2005
Termen limita 30 ianuarie 2006

Diminuarea congestionarii drumurilor si imbunatatirea procesului de actiune asupra mediului a sistemul de transport cargo in Uniunea Europeana si cresterea numarului modalitatilor de transport, contribuind astfel la crearea unui sistem de transport mai eficient si mai sustenabil. Pentru a atinge acest obiectiv, programul ar trebui sa sustina actiuni in domeniul transportului cargo, logistica si alte piete relevante.

Aceste actiuni ar trebui sa contribuie la mentinerea distributiei transportului cargo intre diferite tipuri de transport la nivelul anului 1998, prin sprijin pentru schimbarea cresterii prognozate a traficului international rutier cargo conbinat, cu transportul pe mare de scurta durata, cu cel feroviar sau cel fluvial, sau cu combinarea tipurilor de transport astfel incat traseele rutiere sa fie pe cat de scurte posibil.

Toate segmentele de transport international cargo se incadreaza in obiectivul programului.
Programul Marco Polo pune accent pe trei tipuri de actiuni:
(1) Actiuni de schimbare a modalitatii de transport, care trebuie sa aiba in vedere schimbarea de la transportul rutier cargo la transportul maritim de scurta durata, la cel feroviar si fluvial, cu efect cat mai relevant din punct de vedere economic in conditiile de piata actuale.
(2) Actiuni catalizatoare, care ar trebui sa schimbe modul cum este realizat in cadrul Uniunii Europene transportul cargo non-rutier.
(3) Actiuni de invatare curente, care trebuie sa largeasca cunostintele in domeniul logisticii cargo si sa promoveze metode si proceduri avansate de cooperare pe piata cargo.

Toti solicitantii trebuie sa fie persoane juridice. Acestia trebuie sa fie societati comerciale cu capital privat sau public altfel spus, entitatile publice nu pot sa participe in mod direct; totusi, administratiile pot fi proprietarii unei societati solicitante in procent de pina la 100%. Persoanele fizice nu sunt eligibile.

Actiunile selectate vor fi finantate prin linia de buget 060207 a programului Marco Polo (B2-707).

Suma totala estimata pentru anul 2005 este de 30,13 milioane euro.
Asistenta financiara comunitara va fi limitata pentru:
- Actiuni de schimbare a modalitatii de transport cu pana la 30%,
- Actiuni catalizatoare cu pana la 35%,
- Actiuni de invatare curentecu pana la 50%,
din totalul costurilor eligibile, necesare pentru atingerea obiectivelor actiunilor si care sunt efectuate ca rezultat al activitatilor derulate. O astfel de cheltuiala va fi eligibila pentru asistenta financiara comunitara daca se refera direct la implementarea actiunii.

TERMENUL LIMITA pentru depunerea cererilor de finantare este 30 ianuarie 2006.

Prin posta recomandata sau curier, cu data postei nu mai tarziu de data termenului limita si trimis la:
European Commission
Directorate-General for Energy and Transport
Ref.: Marco Polo Programme - Call 2005
DM 28, 0/91 Courrier/archives
B-1049 Brussels
Pentru detalii puteti consulta textul integral al apelului.

Textul complet al apelului pentru propuneri de finantare, formularul cererii de finantare si anexele necesare, sunt disponibile la urmatoarea adresa web:

Informatii suplimentare se pot obtine din partea Marco Polo Help Desk, adresandu-va urmatoarelor coordonate:
European Commission - Marco Polo Help Desk
Directorate-General for Energy and Transport
Directorate G - Unit G3 "Motorways of the Sea and Intermodality"

Ref.: Call for Proposals 2005
Rue de Mot/De Motstraat 28
B-1040 Brussels
Tel: (32-2) 2996448
Fax: (32-2) 2963765
E-mail: tren-marco-polo @


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pus acum 18 ani
Membru nou

Inregistrat: acum 12 ani
Postari: 7
Eu v-as mai sugera o idee de afacere. O franciza dar nu una oarecare ci una din care chiar poti scoate profit mare. Eu mi-am deschis un cabinet de epilare prin franciza Nomasvello , vin ei cu echipament cu tot si chiar te si ajuta sa iti deschizi acest cabinet insusi managerul francizei respectiv Nicoleta Mincu. Eu va spun din propria experienta e o afacere profitabila.

pus acum 12 ani
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